Expert Panel Meetings on the Transport & Logistic fair 2011
On the occasion of the transport logistic 2011 in Munich on May 10th-13th 2011, the worldwide biggest tradeshow for Logistics, Mobility, IT and Supply Chain Management, three Expert Panel Meetings will be organised by the POSMETRANS’ partners with the aim of validating the first results of the project. Experts from the whole European area will be invited to discuss different topics related to innovation and policy measures in surface transport.
Innovation is an essential driving force for entrepreneurial activity and the competitiveness of a country. In this regard, policy-makers are called upon to promote and control innovation with accompanying political measures.
Over the last year, the POSMETRANS’ partners have analysed innovation processes, including the influence of networks and the impact of policy measures. Starting from the identification of innovative technologies and related policy measures at a EU and national level, a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threats (SWOT) analysis was performed by interviewing key players in innovation. From a technological perspective, the main emphasis was placed on environmental “greening” technologies, new materials, safety and security measures, information and communication technologies as well as co-modality solutions for surface transport vehicles and infrastructures. From an economical perspective, the focus was placed on small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) because they generate the highest turnover and are the biggest employers in the transport and logistics field.
The purpose of the Expert Panel Meetings is to present and discuss the initial results obtained in POSMETRANS through partners’ own investigations as well as stakeholders surveys. This will conduce to the validation of POSMETRANS’ results and to the analysis of best practices, which is an important concern to the European legislator. This will lead to the elaboration of recommendations to the European Commission.
In this context, three different panel meetings will take place on May, 11th & 12th in Munich:
1. How innovation does reach the market? (see Agenda)
2. The role of networks in developing innovation (see Agenda)
3. The impact of policy measures in the field of transport & logistic (see Agenda)
Experts from industry (including SMEs), networks, RTD organizations and public bodies will take part in the panel meetings and all participants of the Transport Logistic fair are welcomed to attend the discussions.
For more information, please do not hesitate to visit our booth on the fair (Hall B3 – Nr. 405) or contact Mrs. Samantha Michaux per mail (michaux[at] or per fax (+49(0)721/93519-20).
Looking forward to seeing you in Munich!
Location: Munich Fairgrounds
Expert Panel Meetings: Conference room B22
Booth: Hall B3 - Stand Nr. 405
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